Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I feel like poo.

Image from weheartit.com.

I love this. Why cant I decorate like that. Sigh.

Still sick, its in my chest now, and I cant breathe out my nose. The assorted pills and syrups I've been taking dont seem to be doing much for me, so I've started taking some oil of oregano, and let me tell you that shit is NASTY!! I'm taking it with some honey.. "a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.." At least I was able to sleep, in my bed, last night which was a nice change.

I've done dishes, organized the pantry, made some more headbands with the braided fabric, and some with jumbo ric rac. And sat here at the computer looking at random stuff. I considered running a hot bath, but it might wake up Sophie, and she's thankfully sleeping right now. She seems to be doing great today, some runny nose, but she was running around the house earlier, hyper even. Lucky brat.

I've got some boring white curtain panels that I made a while back, and I'm thinking of embellishing them with ribbon stripes, but I'm not sure if I have any good ribbon to use for that sort of thing. Plus the bottoms got burned against a baseboard heater, so I've also hemmed them up more.

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