Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yardwork Saturday!

So my dear hubby and I did yard work most of the day. Sophie helped by eating some dirt, and playing with rocks and moss. We got soooo much done today, what a great feeling of accomplishment! Mostly lots and lots of weeding. I raked more soil into a couple spots getting ready for an actual garden, and I mowed the backyard with the push mower and weed-wacked a bit. My hands are tired, lol.

We went for lunch and had some super yummy burgers, and then went out for bubble tea afterwards.

We came back home and... more weeding! I pulled my bike out of the shed, as I'd like to get it tuned up and air in the tires, so I can escape for a bike ride now and then. If I didnt have to take the whole bike apart, I'd like to clean it up and spray paint it pink or yellow, or something fun. But what can I say, I'm lazy.

Also dug out an old cupboard that I'd like to clean up and alter, and start on Sophie's play kitchen! I've seen pictures of some amazing play kitchens out there, its so inspiring. This is probably what I'll shoot for, for now.

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